Psychic Somatics

Psychic somatics is a healing method aiming at restoring the original blueprint of the soul into the body. When the Soul is more present in your body, you will be able to experience more freedom, love, clarity and power.  

What happens when we experience any sort of trauma, it is too much for us to feel and process at the time, so the soul fragments and becomes scattered. it is also possible that we are carrying trauma and experiences from previous lives, or that we have inherited beliefs from our ancestors. These traumas/beliefs creates deep rooted core beliefs and limited thinking that forms the way we view ourselves and how we live our lives. 

The Psychic somatic method works at using the senses and the body as an access point to our limited thinking and suppressed or unprocessed emotions (the pain body). This method is held in such safety and empathy that you are able to deeply surrender into the truth of your pain body. Often a resistance comes up around acknowledging and exposing the pain, but the healing can begin when it is fully felt. We can then acknowledge and express it through movement or vocal expression such as crying, coughing, screaming, toning and singing. This clears the energy from the body. 

After the release there is a shift in the energy in the body, a block has been removed, and fresh life energy will be flowing more freely. Again you will be invited to use the voice through sound and song, and movement to integrate this new energy into the body. With this we are here able to anchor in a new truth, decision or timeline, and we are able to live our life with more confidence, love and power. 

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