Paul har kjøpt billett og lander her i Grimstad 11. august. Allerede kvelden etter, 12. august kl.19.00 til 21.00 ønsker vi å invitere deg til en GRATIS workshop, et foredrag om 'Understanding Yoga' og til litt meditasjon. Denne workshopen er åpen for alle, men påmelding er nødvendig slik at vi vet hvor mange som kommer.
'Understanding the deeper dimensions of yoga
Join us for a free evening of meditation and a talk about the deeper dimensions of yoga practice. Exploring together what yoga is and how we can engage in the process in the most fruitful way. How we can bring the practice of yoga to the on the ground reality of our lives where real and lasting transformation can happen.
Paul Wooden has been practicing and studying yoga and meditation for 30 years and teaching for 25 years.
He draws from his experience in many different styles and traditions and through a practical understanding of their underlying unifying principles, weaves together a cohesive and integrated approach to yoga.'
For påmelding send mail til eller legg inn detaljene dine nedenfor. Gleder meg veldig til denne kvelden, og selvfølgelig til 9 dager workshop med Paul!